When a person finds life hard, he needs motivation - Read more at: http://emilysquotes.com/when-a-person-finds-life-hard-he-needs-motivation-and-inspiration-but-if-he-finds-lifes-journey-easy-then-he-needs-meditation-and-introspection-to-know-the-true-quality-of-his-life/

Life Being Hard

Life is at its best when everything has fallen out of place, and you decide that you’re going to fight to get them right, not when everything is going your way and everyone is praising you.  Thisuri Wanniarachchi

Life can be hard and takes work. Achieving your goals can be hard and takes work. You will get knock backs. There will be tears and moments of frustration. Stay focused. Be persistent. Respect yourself and others. Never be afraid to admit fear. Never be afraid to ask for help. Never be afraid to admit your mistakes. Never fear the unknown. Anything can happen. It’s a place that you can create. Never stop dreaming. Never stop believing. Never fear stepping out of your comfort zone, for this is where progress is made and lessons are learned. Never fear change. But above all, never quit.

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