Kalash Valley is one of the most beautiful and one of the most mysterious places

Kalash Valley

The Kalash Valleys are located in Chitral District and are inhabited by the Kalash people, who have customs and language which are quite different from their neighbors. , and historically have had a different religion. They claim legendary ancestry as descendants of Alexander the Great’s armies who were left behind after his campaigns in the area. The Kalasha have a unique culture that has attracted everyone from missionaries to anthropologists to tourists.

Chitral, famous for its history, has created a Museum where tourists can visit to enhance their knowledge about the historical valley. The museum contains antiques, weapons and other stuff from the old times of monarchies provides great knowledge about history and culture of Chitral and Kalash people.

The natural and most played sport in Chitral is Polo. There are many Polo grounds in Chitral, but the most famous one is located in Chitral town. If you wish to learn more about this game, you must visit the ground where you will receive interesting information about it. If you are lucky then there might be match going on that you can enjoy.

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